HIBA Vision
The Institute aspires to excellence in management sciences and research at the regional and international levels, to join scientific and cultural agreements with foreign and local institutions, to prepare the best staff specialized in the field of administration theoretically and practically, and to develop initiative and creative intellectual capital through dialogue and culture.
HIBA Mission
Graduation of specialized administrative staff at levels of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees to supplement the business sector along with labor market requirements, expand the scope of dissemination of administrative knowledge in the various economic sectors and contribute to the community service through the adoption of the principle of social responsibility for human development, the acquisition of social, national and human values and dedicate business ethics.
HIBA Goals
The Institute aims to develop human resources and qualify students and graduates from various disciplines in the fields of business administration sciences at different levels and in all public, private and joint sectors.
The Institute works to achieve its objectives through:
A) Prepare specialists in management scientifically and practically that qualified in all fields of business science to achieve upgrading in the level of management productive efficiency of organizations and companies in various sectors (public, private and joint) through specialized study at undergraduate and graduate levels.
B) Qualifying graduates from various disciplines in the field of business administration sciences through the diploma in business administration and master in business administration which aim to expand the scope of management knowledge and consolidate the foundations and principles of modern scientific management in various productive and service sectors.
C) Organizing medium and short-term specialized training courses for individuals and workers in various sectors, promoting continuous training, upgrading frameworks and assisting in the development of administrative efficiency and productivity.
D) Provision of consultancy services and preparation of administrative, regulatory, economic, financial and analytical studies that would raise the level of administrative performance and the develope and update of the working methods of organizations, facilities and companies in the public, private and joint sectors.
E) Organizing seminars, conferences, and periodic workshops in various fields of management sciences and its applications, and participating in the attendance of conferences, seminars and workshops on local, Arab and international level.
F) Prepare studies and applied and in-depth scientific researches in the fields of management sciences; contribute in the preparation and implementation of administrative development and reform projects, issue periodicals and scientific journals and raise administrative awareness to achieve the administrative, economic and social development goals in the Syrian Arab Republic.
G) Establishing scientific, educational and cultural relations, contributing to development it with universities, institutions, institutes, higher schools and organizations related to HIBA’s specialization in the Syrian Arab Republic, Arab and foreign countries, exchanging of experiences, professors, students and various means of education and cooperating with them to serve the various fields of activities of the Institute..
H) Creation of professional, productive, service and social work units that serve the Institute's scientific and educational purposes and contribute to prepare of technical and professional staff that able to participate in the development of the activities of productive and service institutions.
P) Achieve optimal and mutual interaction and strengthen the links between the Institute and the commercial and industrial sectors with their various productive and service institutions in order to exchange experiences and administrative knowledge, in order to serve to link education and qualification with requirements and needs of the market and the national economy.
J) Permanent communication with developments in the fields of information technology through updating curricula and methodologies at different educational levels, keep up with modern management methods using the emerging technologies in the Institute's teaching and training programs, and providing information banks to serve the administrative development processes and human resource development.
Graduate managerial cadres that complement business sectors with different management specializations that get along with the globalization requirements. HIBA contributes as well to the social responsibility for human development with total commitment to business ethics.
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