Students subject to the discipline system at the institute and adhere to the following:
1) Respect the rules stipulated by HIBA regulations and avoid violation of these rules. Students pledge not to commit any abusive act and not to cheat in exams or even try to or participate in it or cause any disorder to the exam system.
2) Avoid abusive actions that damage HIBA reputation whether inside or outside HIBA.
3) Not acting or participating in any acts that violate rules and regulations in force, or organize any association inside HIBA without prior approval from either HIBA management or specialized public organizations.
4) Not distributing bulletins, flyers, or posters, or getting collective signatures inside HIBA and its affiliates without a prior permission from HIBA management or specialized public organizations.
Disciplinary sanctions are:
1- Verbal notice
2- Written notice
3- Warning
4- Deprive the student of pursuing his study for 6 weeks at most in case he/she repeatedly got the previous sanctions
5- Deprive the student of taking the exam of one course or more in one exam cycle.
6- Cancel the student’s exam in one course or more in one exam cycle
7- Deprive the student of the whole exam cycle
8- Terminal expulsion from HIBA
Disciplinary sanctions are registered, except the verbal notice, in the student’s file, and posting the sanction in the bulletin board at HIBA is considered a personal notification to the student.
Graduate managerial cadres that complement business sectors with different management specializations that get along with the globalization requirements. HIBA contributes as well to the social responsibility for human development with total commitment to business ethics.
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